Thursday, 19 March 2015

Breathe Easy with FLAME’s Bryant™ Evolution System

We picture out air pollution as smoke, haze, ozone, or a dark clouds hanging in the air. But we don’t realize that the air inside our homes may be more polluted than the air outside. Indoor air may be mixed with fire-retardants, volatile chemicals from conventional cleaners, lead, and even formaldehyde. It can even be due to new furniture, newly painted walls, or simply carpet cleaners. Before you are totally alarmed, rest assured that there are ways on how you can improve your indoor air quality.

How to Breathe Clean Air Inside Your Home

• Mop after you vacuum. Save up money and reduce your risks of taking in hazardous chemicals by skipping soaps and cleaners altogether. You can simply mop using plain water to capture any dust or allergens that linger after you vacuum.

• Place large floor mats at every door in your home. People carry all kinds of chemicals through the dirt on their shoes. Reduce the amount of dirt that gets inside your home with a floor mat.

• Let the Bryant™ Evolution System track your indoor and outdoor unit and indoor air quality. This revolutionary system by FLAME provides longer heating and cooling cycles, precise temperature, humidity, and indoor quality control. It’s time to stop guessing when you need to get repairs, because this system reminds you when it’s time for routine maintenance.

Your furnace in Detroit needs some updating. Call FLAME or visit our website for more information on how to improve your indoor air quality and promote a healthy and safe home environment for your family.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Warren Plumbing Basics: Common Sources of Water Leaks in Your Home

Water is an important natural resource for everyday human use, from hygiene to food preparation. When there are leaks inside a typical household, it is estimated that between 2,000 to 20,000 gallons of water are lost yearly. Therefore, the moment you suspect that there is a leak in your houses’ water supply, you should find a reliable Warren plumbing service like Flame Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical to put a stop to it and set things right in your household.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Electricians in Detroit: Advice for Getting through a Power Disruption

Power disruptions are extremely inconvenient, but they are not rare especially during storms, leaving your house without electricity to produce light or warmth. This can be dangerous to the inhabitants of the house since the lack of heating and power can lead to problems like frozen pipelines during winters. To avoid such issues, one should invest in a home backup generator as recommended by professional electricians in Detroit.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Heating Efficiently: Debunking the Most Common Warren Heating Myths

Maintaining the warmth inside the workplace during winter is essential to keep your employees comfortable despite the bitter cold outside. Although winter might soon be over in a few weeks, acquiring efficient and quality Warren heaters makes for a great investment, since they are essential to prepare yourself for the next cold season: if possible, opt for a more energy-efficient heater that can reduce costs in the long run. Unfortunately, there are lingering myths about easy hacks or so-called helpful advice you can apparently do inside your office to further reduce costs, yet these could actually cause losses on your part. Persistent myths and misguided advice are aplenty on the Internet nowadays, and it’s important to sift through all the information online and separate the truth from the myths.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Furnace Repair or Air Duct Cleaning in Michigan—Leave Them to the Pros

Furnaces play an important role in keeping your home warm during cold weather as they provide the much-needed heat that is hard to come by when everything else outside is either chilly or frozen. Then again, winter is about to end to give way for spring, and what better way to start your spring cleaning by ensuring that your furnace will continue working for the next winter? So you’ll continue enjoying the benefits from your HVAC system, you might want to acquire Michigan air duct cleaning services.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Consider Getting Heat Pump for Your Heating and Cooling in Warren, MI

While its name might suggest it, a heat pump doesn’t solely heat a home, but it also does an efficient job at cooling it. A heat pump works by moving heat, which may come from water, earth, or air itself, instead of generating hot or cold air via an internal mechanism. Needless to say, the way heat pumps work is much different compared to conventional HVAC systems. A heat pump is a cost-efficient option for heating and cooling in Warren, MI homes and other establishments.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Michigan Plumbing Care: Defending Your Plumbing System from the Cold

It is forecasted that there will be downpours of snow in March along with rain showers, which means that plumbing in Michigan homes should be inspected and protected to avoid any pipe freezes, bursts, and other damages that could lead to a lot of inconveniences. Lon Grossman, the president of a southeast Michigan residential and commercial inspection company shares some tips on how to handle plumbing around the house.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Is Your House Energy-efficient?

We all assume that we breathe clean air when we are indoors, but in reality, air pollution can also happen inside our homes. The dirty air can stem from unoccupied rooms such as attics, foundation gaps, and improperly vented drain systems. We often take these issues for granted without knowing that they can cause health conditions to arise. By having a whole house energy exam done, you can pinpoint furnace problems and prevent these health conditions. Furthermore, you can also save on utility bills once the root cause are identified and resolved.

The Energy Efficiency Evaluation

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends for homeowners to get this testing done. The whole exam wouldn’t take long. It’s definitely worth it. First, you will be interviewed by a Comfort and Indoor Air Quality Consultant. This initial interview points determines your perception of comfort and indoor air quality. Next, there will be equipment and insulation inspection where your heating and cooling equipment and systems will be thoroughly checked for efficiency, proper installation, and maintenance. The next step is done with a blower door instrument called the Infiltrometer™, which measures the home’s air tightness.

Once all the assessments are done, air leakage evaluation follows. All these tests show the airflow diagnosis of your home. The consultant will then give you recommendations on how you can improve and solve your home’s heating and cooling problems. Once you’re done, you can turn in the proposal to your chosen contractor to perform the recommended improvements.

FLAME offers you advanced methods of testing for your home furnace in Detroit. For the smart homeowner, this is a great move to minimize expenses and at the same time provide a clean, safe, and healthy environment for the family.